Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sprucing it Up! ! !

My front porch was in some desperate need of some spring cleaning. I follow Ask Anna and awhile back she had this cute idea *follow the link to see* Door Wreath and I fell in love. So I decided to do one on my not so perfect way and just re-purposed a few things. And this is what I came up with:
I think I am going to paint my door a darker color maybe a dark brown with the tan trim.  It may show the dirt less and it will definitely not a be a flat finish.  I have another project up my sleeve but that will come tomorrow when I finish it up...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Today is my day to be obedient and do what I say I'm going to do. So sticking to my routine. I woke up very VERY slowly today. I made my bed and got a load of laundry ready to go in the washer. I came out to my kitchen was somewhat cleaned up last night. The girls had already eaten breakfast and I didn't cook dinner so there was no mess. I didn't need to unload the dishwasher. So I loaded the dishwasher with the breakfast dishes. Wiped down the counters, swept and mopped and kitchen is DONE. I then went into the entry way because it has been neglected far to long and I swept and mopped that area. The pool table still needs to be cleaned off but hey I'm working the routine, I will get it done before the day is done. I am currently working 2 loads of laundry and clearing paper clutter. The girls and I are going to clean doors, mirrors, and baseboards today after they get their room clean. Before I go to the Easter Pageant tonight I plan on organizing the top shelf in my closet. Pictures will be added later.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 1

Today is my first post on this blog. I decided to stop boring all my friends with status updates on my Facebook about what I am doing around the house and make list and take photos and share here. Today is my low key day. It's my errand day and since I have no errands to run today I am taking advantage of Shane's nap time and having some much need computer time.  One thing I do need to do is clear my desk. That is part of my to do list on Thursdays. 


Yes it still has a long ways to go. But it is what it is. I am doing this slowly. Baby steps people...Baby steps....